The PIMCO GIS Asia High Yield Bond Fund actively invests in PIMCO’s best ideas in the Asia high yield market seeking to maximise total returns. This fast-growing market is diversified across numerous Asian markets and includes a mix of issuers from corporate to government.
PIMCO has the resources and time-tested investment process to carefully navigate this complex and diverse market, and a unique ‘Total Return’ approach that differentiates the PIMCO GIS Asia High Yield Bond Fund from its competitors. Many who invest in bonds focus solely on yield, often overlooking other critical factors that can affect their returns.
The PIMCO Asia High Yield Bond Fund instead takes a ‘Total Return’ approach, which put simply, seeks to maximise the all-in investor realised return. This ‘all-in’ return not only includes yield, but also capital appreciation, and minimises the impact from defaults. PIMCO also avoids stretching for low quality yield, which can often result in lower all-in return after losses from defaults are taken into account.
PIMCO has a large, dedicated team of Portfolio Managers and Credit Research Analysts on the ground across Asia Pacific, including in our offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Sydney. PIMCO’s size and scale enable high quality relationships with issuers in Asia enhancing our ability to structure advantageous terms and secure favourable allocations to new issues. What’s more, PIMCO leverages its global investment platform and investment process to source insights and ideas globally for the fund’s investors. It combines top-down economic views with bottom-up sector and security selection to help maximise total returns and navigate risks.
The Asia high yield market is growing quickly, which means it can be difficult for investors or rating agencies to keep up with all the developments. That’s why PIMCO uses its own internal credit rating system that is forward looking, to help anticipate and minimise defaults.
If you are seeking exposure to Asia High Yield with the reassurance of PIMCO’s ‘Total Return’ approach combined with global scale and proven expertise - talk to your PIMCO account manager or financial adviser today about the PIMCO GIS Asia High Yield Bond Fund.